June 21, 2019 By sales Comments are Off
Diving at Hastings Reef
Experienced Certified Diver
Departing from the rear of Seastar certified divers follow a mooring descent line down to a comfortable depth of approximately 8 metres where our mooring blocks are literally adjacent to the first “Bommie” a distinctive type of coral growth. On this dive don’t be surprised to see tiny reef sharks, anemone fish, caves filled with small fish, painted crayfish (lobster), turtles, rays and cute epaulette sharks, just to name a few.

There are many different dive trails, a popular dive is the “Wild Side” . A one way dive, you enter the water from the dive tender and make a dive returning to the Seastar. There are rays, sharks, schools of thousands of small reef fish, lionfish, puffer fish, live conch shells, enormous giant clams and not to forget the walls of coral.
And there is ample time to complete two dives should you choose.
Recently Qualified Certified Diver
For the recently qualified Certified Diver or those who have not dived for a while, a dive at Michaelmas Cay is a comfortable first option whereas at Hastings Reef the Seastar “Lagoon” and “Fish Bowl” dive is remarkably safe and straightforward, you dive along the reef wall and inside the reef’s edge. It is the fish that initially capture your attention but soon you become aware of the way the corals are growing, the larger schools and everything seems so much more colourful and interesting.
General information
Flying and diving
Important Medical Information for Certified Divers
Must possess an internationally recognized SCUBA certificate card.
Certified divers are also required to to complete an on-board medical declaration form. Being a certified diver (licensed diver) allows more latitude in determining their medical fitness to dive.
The medical questionnaire for certified diving is as follows:
- Have you suffered any illness or injury that may affect your ability to dive safely?
- Are you currently suffering any illness or injury?
- Are you currently taking any prescription medication, other than the contraceptive pill?
Answering “no” to the first two questions will normally allow a certified diver to dive. However, if you are taking prescription medication and were taking it while doing your course or you have an updated medical, this will also normally allow a certified diver to dive.
Justifiably, this information can seem overwhelming.
Our main concern is your safety:
If answering “yes” to any of the medical questions, you are well advised to get a medical clearance prior to your trip to ensure the best possible experience on Seastar.